Example search criteria

This table contains field descriptions and examples to demonstrate how to use this search facility.
Fields Brief Description Example
Location This is a location that will be impacted by the airspace change. Type in RH6 0YR to search for airspace change proposals that will impact this postcode area.
Sponsor organisation This is the organisation, usually an airport or a provider of air navigation services (including air traffic control), that is requesting the change to airspace. Select Heathrow Airport to search for airspace change proposals where Heathrow Airport is the change sponsor.
Airspace change ID This is the reference ID of the airspace change proposal. Type in ACP-2017-43 to show the details for the airspace change with that re
Updated within This is a time period that can be used to limit search results to only show proposals updated within the selected period. Select 1 week to show proposals updated within the last week.
Title This is the title of the airspace change proposal. Type in airspace modernisation to find airspace change proposals that contain this phrase in the title.
Created within This is a time period that can be used to limit search results to only show proposals created within the selected period. Select 1 week to show proposals created within the last week.
Change type This is the the type of airspace change and will indicate if there is a change to airspace design or a planned and permanent redistribution of air traffic. Select ACP to only show search results marked as ACP.
Change category This is the category of the airspace change, for example Permanent, Temporary, Trial, etc. Select Permanent to only show proposals for permanent changes to airspace design.
Change level/PPR type This is the level (for ACP proposals) or PPR type (for PPR proposals) of the airspace change. Select 1 to only show airspace change proposals with a change level of 1.
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