Purpose of this change

This proposal is for a Permanent change to the notified airspace design, and the change level is TBC.

This airspace change proposal will make changes to the ATS route network and STARs serving Liverpool Airport and Manchester TMA airspace. The proposed changes will interface with SIDs and STARs serving Liverpool airport. Liverpool airport is currently in the process of proposing changes to their SIDs/ Arrival transitions. The changes proposed by this ACP will be coordinated with, and will complement, the airport’s proposals. This proposal is part of the Future Airspace Strategy Implementation - North (FASIN) programme of changes.


Step 2a : Develop & Assess

This step has been started

During the Options Development Step, the change sponsor develops one or more design options that address the Statement of Need and align with the defined design principles.

CAA response to Step 2a

11/06/2021: The CAA is satisfied with the Change Sponsor's assessment of the contextual consideration and agrees the proposal can resume. However, until iteration two of the airspace change Masterplan, including the associated programme plan has been assessed and accepted by the CAA and Department for Transport, as co-sponsors of airspace modernisation, no indicative timeline can be agreed by the CAA for this airspace change proposal. It is anticipated that the Develop & Assess Gateway for this ACP will not be before Q1 2022.

09/07/2021: Until iteration two of the airspace change masterplan including the associated programme plan has been assessed and accepted by the CAA and Department for Transport as co-sponsors of airspace modernisation, the full indicative timeline for this ACP cannot be confirmed. The Define and/or Develop & Assess Gateway(s) within the published document 'Indicative Timeline - July 2021' are subject to change.

12/04/2022: Until iteration three of the airspace change masterplan, including the updated programme plan has been assessed and accepted by the CAA and Department for Transport as co sponsors of airspace modernisation, the full indicative timeline for this ACP cannot be confirmed. The Gateways within the published document 'Indicative Timeline - April 2022' are subject to change.


Documents for this proposal (19 documents)

Indicative Timeline - April 2022 (252.5kB PDF)

Step 2a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 12 April 2022

Indicative Timeline - July 2021 (206.7kB PDF)

Step 2a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 09 July 2021

FASIN Liverpool Stage 1B Design Principles V1.3 (500.4kB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principles Engagement Evidence

Date added: 01 June 2020

FASIN Liverpool Stage 1B Design Principles V1.2 (477.2kB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principles Engagement Evidence

Date added: 27 April 2020

FASIN Liverpool Stage 1B Design Principles V1.1 (473.7kB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principles Engagement Evidence

Date added: 17 April 2020

Stakeholder Response Evidence (redacted) (637.1kB PDF)

Step 1b - Other

Date added: 01 April 2020

Ref 2 - Lead Operator Carrier Panel Minutes (346.1kB PDF)

Step 1b - Other

Date added: 27 March 2020

FASIN Liverpool Stage 1B Design Principles V1.0 (462.2kB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principle Evaluation

Date added: 27 March 2020

Timeline Change Approval (294.4kB PDF)

Step 1a - Other

Date added: 24 February 2020

FASIN Liverpool Assessment Presentation V1.0 (1.9MB PDF)

Step 1a - Other

Date added: 17 February 2020

FASIN Liverpool Assessment Minutes V1.0 (156.3kB PDF)

Step 1a - Assessment Meeting Minutes

Date added: 17 February 2020

FASIN Liverpool, Statement of Need V1.1 (1.5MB PDF)

Step 1a - Statement of Need

Date added: 14 February 2020

FASIN Liverpool, Statement of Need V1.0 (973.0kB PDF)

Step 1a - Statement of Need

Date added: 14 February 2020

FASIN Liverpool Assessment Meeting Agenda - 040220 (537.8kB PDF)

Step 1a - Assessment Meeting Agenda

Date added: 28 January 2020

FASIN Liverpool, Statement of Need (973.0kB PDF)

Step 1a - Statement of Need

Date added: 21 October 2019


Potentially affected area

This is the area which may be affected by this airspace change depending on its development. This area may change as the proposal is developed.
