Purpose of this change

This proposal is for a Permanent change to the notified airspace design, and the change level is TBC.

To enhance a safe operating environment for all airspace users, RAF Brize Norton is required to provide an Air Traffic Control Service to aircraft operating to and from the aerodrome.

The current containment and airspace configuration does not allow for this, with both IAPs inappropriately contained and SIDs passing through significant portions of uncontrolled airspace.

Transformation associated with the London Airspace Modernisation Programme 2 Deployment 1.1 (LD1.1) requires a change to departure procedures, and the introduction of RNP approaches at RAF Brize Norton. Change is also required to provide resilience to Defence’s strategic output to mitigate infrastructure issues, and support evolving operational requirements.

RAF Brize Norton seeks to comply with the CAA’s 2014 Controlled Airspace Containment Policy


Stage 2 : Develop and Assess

This step has been started

During the 'Develop and Assess' stage, the change sponsor develops baseline scenarios and design options that address the Statement of Need and align with the design principles from Stage 1. Following this, the change sponsor engages with stakeholders on the baseline scenarios and design options, prior to conducting a design principle evaluation. The change sponsor then carries out an initial options appraisal of the different design options.

Documents for this proposal (11 documents)

Final Design Principles (102.0kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Design Principles

Date added: 13 July 2023

Define Gateway Submission V2 - Redacted (2.0MB PDF)

Stage 1 - Design Principles

Date added: 05 July 2023

Define Gateway Submission - Redacted (1.9MB PDF)

Stage 1 - Design Principles

Date added: 14 June 2023

Stakeholder Design Principle Feedback Form Word Document (126.9kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Design Principles

Date added: 01 February 2023

Stakeholder Engagement Information Pack (270.5kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Design Principles

Date added: 01 February 2023

Stakeholder Engagement Letter (106.2kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Design Principles

Date added: 01 February 2023

Assessment Meeting Presentation (485.9kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Other

Date added: 17 October 2022

Assessment Meeting Minutes (377.5kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Assessment Meeting Minutes

Date added: 29 September 2022

Statement of Need V2 (73.8kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Statement of Need

Date added: 23 September 2022

Assessment Meeting Agenda (50.8kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Assessment Meeting Agenda

Date added: 06 September 2022

Statement of Need (67.4kB PDF)

Stage 1 - Statement of Need

Date added: 16 June 2022


Potentially affected area

This is the area which may be affected by this airspace change depending on its development. This area may change as the proposal is developed.
