Purpose of this change

This proposal is for a Permanent change to the notified airspace design, and the change level is 1.

EDF Energy Renewables Limited (EDFER), jointly with Force 9 Energy, are planning to develop Clash Gour Wind Farm in the name of its wholly owned subsidiary, Clash Gour Holdings Limited (CGH). Clash Gour will be a substantial, strategically important onshore wind farm with significant environmental, economic and regional benefits. It shall be located approx. 13nm southwest of RAF Lossiemouth and 15nm southeast of Inverness Airport.

EDFER/CGH have agreed to investigate potential impacts of wind turbine generators on the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and other aviation stakeholder’s operations. This ACP (CAP 1616) is initiated in order to manage the development of airspace-related mitigation options.


Step 5a : CAA Assessment

This step has been started

During the CAA Assessment Step, the CAA reviews and assesses the airspace change proposal, and for Level 1 changes offers a Public Evidence Session. The CAA may request minor changes to the proposal. The CAA prepares assessment papers to inform and provide guidance to the airspace change decision-maker.

CAA response to Step 5a

11/06/2024: The CAA has completed the document check and is satisfied that the change sponsor has provided the required documentation


Documents for this proposal (49 documents)

Clash Gour ACP Submission Document v1.1 (13.2MB PDF)

Step 4b - Airspace Change Proposal

Date added: 02 July 2024

Safety Case Part 4 (464.7kB PDF)

Step 4b - Airspace Change Proposal

Date added: 13 May 2024

Safety Case Part 3 (501.7kB PDF)

Step 4b - Airspace Change Proposal

Date added: 13 May 2024

Safety Case Part 2 (596.3kB PDF)

Step 4b - Airspace Change Proposal

Date added: 13 May 2024

Safety Case Part 1 (611.8kB PDF)

Step 4b - Airspace Change Proposal

Date added: 13 May 2024

Stakeholder Correspondence (5.5MB PDF)

Step 4b - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 13 May 2024

Clash Gour ACP Submission Document (13.3MB PDF)

Step 4b - Airspace Change Proposal

Date added: 13 May 2024

Consultation Response Document (5.5MB PDF)

Step 4a - Consultation Response Document

Date added: 13 May 2024

Revised Timeline (181.8kB PDF)

Step 4a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 09 April 2024

Revised Timeline (181.9kB PDF)

Step 4a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 06 March 2024

Revised Timeline (178.6kB PDF)

Step 4a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 06 February 2024

Revised Timeline (132.5kB PDF)

Step 4a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 28 November 2023

Revised timeline (178.5kB PDF)

Step 4a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 22 August 2023

Categorisation of Consultation Responses (466.7kB PDF)

Step 3d - Categorisation of Responses

Date added: 28 July 2023

Consultation Document (1.8MB PDF)

Step 3c - Other

Date added: 29 March 2023

Full Options Appraisal (697.2kB PDF)

Step 3b - Options Appraisal (Phase II - Full)

Date added: 28 March 2023

Consultation Strategy (807.8kB PDF)

Step 3b - Consultation Strategy

Date added: 28 March 2023

CAA Full Options Appraisal Assessment (1.3MB PDF)

Step 3b - Options Appraisal Assessment (Phase II - Full)

Date added: 06 March 2023

Agreed Timeline Request (211.8kB PDF)

Step 3a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 19 December 2022

Stakeholder Engagement Issue 3 (2.0MB PDF)

Step 2a - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 04 November 2022

Initial Options Appraisal Appendix Issue 3 (155.3kB PDF)

Step 2b - Options Appraisal (Phase I - Initial)

Date added: 04 November 2022

Initial Options Appraisal Issue 3 (1.5MB PDF)

Step 2b - Options Appraisal (Phase I - Initial)

Date added: 04 November 2022

Clash Gour Options Appraisal Assessment (lnitial) (311.2kB PDF)

Develop & Assess Gateway - Other

Date added: 14 October 2022

ACP-2021-046 Agreed Timeline Change 25 Aug 22 (180.1kB PDF)

Develop & Assess Gateway - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 25 August 2022

Develop & Assess Gateway Outcome Document (115.4kB PDF)

Develop & Assess Gateway - Other

Date added: 15 July 2022

Agreed Timeline Request (182.0kB PDF)

Develop & Assess Gateway - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 05 July 2022

Develop and Assess Gateway CAA Statement (150.1kB PDF)

Develop & Assess Gateway - Gateway Decision

Date added: 05 July 2022

Stakeholder Engagement Issue 2 (2.0MB PDF)

Step 2a - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 04 July 2022

Initial Options Appraisal Appendix Issue 2 (151.6kB PDF)

Step 2b - Options Appraisal Assessment (Phase I - Initial)

Date added: 04 July 2022

Initial Options Appraisal Issue 2 (5.1MB PDF)

Step 2b - Options Appraisal (Phase I - Initial)

Date added: 04 July 2022

Design Principle Evaluation Issue 2 (7.0MB PDF)

Step 2a - Design Principle Evaluation

Date added: 04 July 2022

Stakeholder Response - HGC (158.0kB PDF)

Step 2b - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 20 June 2022

Stakeholder Response - BGA (89.0kB PDF)

Step 2b - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 20 June 2022

Initial Options Appraisal Appendix (152.5kB PDF)

Step 2b - Options Appraisal (Phase I - Initial)

Date added: 17 June 2022

Initial Options Appraisal (1.2MB PDF)

Step 2b - Options Appraisal (Phase I - Initial)

Date added: 17 June 2022

Design Principle Evaluation (6.9MB PDF)

Step 2a - Design Principle Evaluation

Date added: 17 June 2022

Stakeholder Engagement (3.8MB PDF)

Step 2a - Engagement Evidence

Date added: 17 June 2022

Design Options (3.9MB PDF)

Step 2a - Design Options

Date added: 17 June 2022

Agreed Timeline Change (180.0kB PDF)

Step 2a - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 07 March 2022

Design Principles Engagement Report v1.1 (3.6MB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principles

Date added: 10 February 2022

Focus Group Meeting Minutes (1.5MB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principles Engagement Evidence

Date added: 20 January 2022

Design Principles Engagement Report (3.8MB PDF)

Step 1b - Design Principles

Date added: 20 January 2022

Stage 1B Clash Gour Focus Group Presentation (2.9MB PDF)

Step 1b - Other

Date added: 20 January 2022

ACP 2021 046 Timeline (226.8kB PDF)

Step 1b - Timeline Agreement

Date added: 22 November 2021

Statement of Need version 2 (721.7kB PDF)

Step 1a - Statement of Need

Date added: 03 November 2021

Assessment Meeting Slides Clash Gour (1.9MB PDF)

Step 1a - Other

Date added: 15 October 2021

Assessment Meeting Minutes Clash Gour (378.6kB PDF)

Step 1a - Assessment Meeting Minutes

Date added: 12 October 2021

Assessment Meeting Agenda Clash Gour (45.0kB PDF)

Step 1a - Assessment Meeting Agenda

Date added: 28 September 2021

Statement of Need (89.8kB PDF)

Step 1a - Statement of Need

Date added: 28 September 2021


Potentially affected area

This is the area which may be affected by this airspace change depending on its development. This area may change as the proposal is developed.
